Mr. and Mrs. Smith

又是一张垃圾枪版碟,我愤怒的将从小贩摊上买回的DVD扔进了垃圾桶 EM204.gif ,然后夺门而出。
直奔电影院,一杯Iced Mocha+Caramel让我心情好了起来 EM207.gif ,Angelina Jolie的眼睛还是那么美丽,让我看得有点出神 EM202.gif
兴致勃勃的看完电影,让我觉得今天的生活还有点意思。之后得出两个无聊结论:任何人都会有掩饰、都会有出丑的时候,无论是普通的大众,还是Super Secret Agent。 EM212.gif ,还真的很无聊......


《THE CORE》,一部非常棒的电影!推荐大家找来看看!

A: How many languages you speak?
B: Five, actually!
A: I can speak one. One, zero, one, zero, zero! In fact, I can steal your money, your secrets, your xxx, your whole life.

A: We need you control the flow infomation on the internet.
B: You're dreaming. Nobody can control the net.
A: Could you? With unlimited resources.
B: You want me to hack the planet?
A: <smile>